Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Brazilian 4-4-2: Part One

Well this is the time of the season where there is a lot of waiting around, so I thought I might blog on my system, the Brazilian 4-4-2. Because of it's alignment, it's also known as the Box Midfield, or the 4-2-2-2. First, the formation:

As you can see, it consists of a flat back four, 2 defensive midfielders, 2 attacking midfielders, and 2 forwards. In part one, I will discuss the personnel and some of the things I look for at each position.

Goleiros (Goalkeepers) - No different than any in any other system.

Technical Attributes: command of area, aerial ability, throwing, handling
Mental Attributes: positioning, anticipation, concentration, decisions, bravery, composure
Physical Attributes: agility, jumping, strength, stamina, pace

Examples: Julio Cesar

Zagueiros (Center Backs) - These guys will act as dual sweepers, often having to step out and cover for the fullbacks when they go forward. They are also weapons on set pieces.

Technical Attributes: tackling, marking, heading
Mental Attributes: positioning, aggression, bravery, anticipation, determination

Physical Attributes: jumping, strength, stamina, pace, acceleration

Example: Lucio

Laterais (Fullbacks) - In this style of play, the fullbacks are your wingers. They will be responsible for penetration on the flanks, as well as stopping wide attacks.

Technical Attributes: crossing, dribbling, tackling
Mental Attributes: work rate, team work, decisions, positioning, determination
Physical Attributes: stamina, acceleration, strength

Example: Dani Alves

Volantes (Defensive Midfielders) - Having two holding midfielders allows the fullbacks to have more freedom going forward. They cover for the players going forward, win the ball back in the midfield, and also link play to the attack.

Technical Attributes: tackling, marking, passing
Mental Attributes: aggression, work rate, team work, determination, concentration
Physical Attributes: strength, stamina, pace, acceleration

Example: Gilberto Silva

Meias (Attacking Central Midfielders): These players are creative "number ten" type players. They are the playmakers who create by moving and exploring space and penetrating by dribbling, passing, and shooting. Think Ronaldinho before he got fat.

Technical Attributes: passing, technique, finishing, dribbling
Mental Attributes: creativity, off the ball, work rate, team work, flair
Physical Attributes: stamina, pace, acceleration

Example: Kaka

Atacantes (Strikers): There are a lot of ways to set these guys up, but I typically like to have one quick striker who can beat the defense with his pace and a big striker who's good in the air and can hold up the ball.

Atacante Alto (Big Striker)-
Technical Attributes: finishing, heading, technique
Mental Attributes: off the ball, anticipation, aggression
Physical Attributes: jumping, strength, pace, acceleration

Example: Luis Fabiano

Atacante Rapido (Quick Forward)-
Technical Attributes: finishing, dribbling, passing, technique, crossing
Mental Attributes: creativity, flair, off the ball, team work, anticipation
Physical Attributes: pace, acceleration, balance

Example: Robinho

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